Clemens | Clemens Alexander Winkler | Clemens August von Galen |
Clemens Brentano | Clemens Fritz | Clemens Lothar Metternich |
Clemens Maria Franz von Bönninghausen | Clemens Metternich | Clemens Vischering |
Clemens von Metternich | Clemens Winkler | Clement Ader |
Clement Arthur West | Clement Attlee | Clement C. Clay |
Clement Chukwu | Clement Clay | Clement Comer Clay |
Clement Dodd | Clement Marot | Clement Noel |
Clement Richard Attlee | Clement S. Dodd | Clement Seymour »Sir Coxsone« Dodd |
Clement Seymour Dodd | Clemente Biondetti | Clemente Micara |
Clemente Primieri | Clemente Rodríguez | Clemente Rodriguez |
Clementi | Clemmensenova redukcija | Clerget-Blin |
Clericis laicos | Clermont, Landes | Clermont, Oise |
Clermont-en-Beauvaisis | Clermont-Ferrand | Clermont-l'Hérault |
Clermont-l'Herault | Clermont-Tonnerre | Clerval, Doubs |
Cleve Livingston | Cleveland | Cleveland Abbe |
Cleveland Cavaliers | Cleveland Mervyn Keble | Cleveland, Ohio |
CLI | CLI programski jezik | Cliché |
Clichy | Clichy-sous-Bois | Click (film) |
Cliff Allison | Cliff Barton | Cliff Burton |
Cliff Griffith | Cliff John Barton | Cliff Pennington |
Cliff Richard | Cliff Williams | Clifford Beers |
Clifford Borain | Clifford D. Simak | Clifford Donald Simak |
Clifford E. Borain | Clifford Ernest Borain | Clifford Glenwood Shull |
Clifford Henry Geake | Clifford Mackay McEwen | Clifford Paul Stoll |
Clifford Shull | Clifford Simak | Clifford Smith |
Clifford Stoll | Clifford Thomason Beckett | Cliffordov torus |
Cliffordova algebra | Cliffs of Moher | Clifton B. Cates |
Clifton Bledsoe Cates | Clifton Cates | Climbach |
Clint Benedict | Clint Eastwood | Clinton |
Clinton Davisson | Clinton Fearon | Clinton J. Davisson |
Clinton Joseph Davisson | Clipperton | Clippertonov otok |
Clitocybe odora | Clive A. Brewster - Joske | Clive A. Brewster-Joske |
Clive Alexander Brewster - Joske | Clive Alexander Brewster-Joske | Clive Allen |
Clive Barker | Clive Barker's Undying | Clive Brewster - Joske |
Clive Brewster-Joske | Clive Gerard Liddell | Clive Marles Sinclair |
Clive Puzey | Clive S. Steele | Clive Selwyn Steele |
Clive Sinclair | Clive Staples Lewis | Clive Steele |
Cloaca Maxima | Cloisonné | Cloisonne |
Clones | Close | Close Encounters of the Third Kind |
Close front rounded vowel | Close front unrounded vowel | Close to You |
Clostridium | Clostridium botulinum | Clostridium difficile |
Clostridium tetani | Cloudpunk | Clouet |
Cloverfield | Clowes | Cloyes-sur-le-Loir |
CLP | CLR | Club Arc Alpin |
Club Atlético Boca Juniors | Club Atlético de Madrid | Club Atlético Osasuna |
Club Atletico Boca Juniors | Club Atletico Osasuna | Club Brugge |
Club Brugge K.V. | Club Deportivo Leganés | Club Deportivo Leganes |
Club Nacional de Football | Clubiona nutrix | Clueso |
Clugny | Cluj | Cluj Napoca |
Cluj-Napoca | Cluny | Cluny (občina) |
Cluny (opatija) | Cluny (razločitev) | Clupea harengus pilchardus |
Clupea pilchardus | Clusijev svišč | Clwb Pêl-droed Dinas Abertawe |
CLX (Delphi) | Clyde Cowan | Clyde King (veslač) |
Clyde Lorrain Cowan | Clyde Tombaugh | Clyde W. Tombaugh |
Clyde Whitlock King | Clyde William Tombaugh | Clysia ambiguella |
Clytus arietis | Cm | CM CRI |
CMAS | Cm³ | CMC |
CMC Leopard | CMC Publikum | Cmepius |
Cmereška Gorca | Cmir | CMR |
CMS | Cms | CMT Crossroads |
Cmurek | CMYK | CMYK barvni model |
CMYK barvni sistem | CN Leo | CN Leva |
CN Tower | CNCO | CNH Global |
Cnidaria | CNN | Co |
CO | CO2 | Coaching |
Coaching - Metoda individualnega usmerjanja | Coal Exchange, Cardiff | Coatlicue |
Cobalt Silver Kings | Cobenzl | Cobert |
Cobis | COBISS | Cobiss |
COBISS (identifikator) | COBISS.SR | Cobitidae |
Cobitis aurata | Cobitis bilineata | Cobitis elongata |
Cobitis taenia | Coblenz | COBOL |
Cobra (oklepnik) | Coburg | Coca Cola |
Coca-Cola | Coca-cola | Coca-Cola (podjetje) |
Cocamidopropyl betaine | Coccinella formosa | Coccinella livida |
Coccinella obliterata | Coccinella obsoleta | Coccinella pallida |
Coccinella quadripustulata | Coccinella septempunctata | Coccinella sexnotata |
Coccinellidae | Coccoidea | Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
Coccus | Coccus mali | Cochabamba |
Cochabamba (razločitev) | Cochlearia armoracia | Cockcroft |
Cockpit | Cockpit (album) | Cockpit (geografija) |
Cockta | Cocktail | Cocktail (album) |
Coco Chanel | Coco Crisp | Coco Dias ali Zlata vrata |
Cocos | Cocos nucifera | Cocta |
Coctail | CODAG | CODATA |
Code civil | Code Red | Codelli |
Codellijev most (novi) | Codelliji | Codex Alimentarius |
Codex Amiatinus | Codex Cumanicus | Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus |
Codex Eyckensis | Codex Iustinianus | Codex justinianus |
Codex Manesse | Codex Regius | Codex Vaticanus |
Codogno | Coelho Neto | Coeloglossum viride |
Coenagrion hastulatum | Coenagrion mercuriale | Coenagrion ornatum |
Coenagrion puella | Coenagrion scitulum | Coenonympha arcania |
Coenonympha glycerion | Coenonympha oedippus | Coenraad Christiaan Hiebendaal |
Coenraad Hiebendaal | Coenraad Jacob Temminck | Cof |
Coface | Coffea | Coffea arabica |
Coffee Shop Selection | Cogetinški potok | Cogetinci |
Cogetinski potok | Coggia | Cogito ergo sum |
Coglians | Cognac | Cognocoli-Monticchi |
COinS | Cointreau | Coitus interruptus |