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Septet (album)

Index Septet (album)

Septet je tretji studijski album slovenske alternativne rock skupine All Strings Detached.


  1. 3 odnosi: All Strings Detached, Chick Corea, There's Something Painful About the Pearls.

All Strings Detached

All Strings Detached je dvočlanska slovenska glasbena skupina iz Ljubljane, ki ustvarja alternativno rock glasbo.

Poglej Septet (album) in All Strings Detached

Chick Corea

Armando Anthony »Chick« Corea, ameriški jazzovski pianist, klaviaturist in skladatelj, * 12. junij 1941, Chelsea, Massachusetts, ZDA, † 9. februar 2021.

Poglej Septet (album) in Chick Corea

There's Something Painful About the Pearls

There's Something Painful About the Pearls je drugi studijski album slovenske alternativne rock skupine All Strings Detached.

Poglej Septet (album) in There's Something Painful About the Pearls