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Jeff Lynne in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra

Bližnjice: Razlike, Podobnosti, Jaccard Podobnost koeficient, Reference.

Razlika med Jeff Lynne in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra

Jeff Lynne vs. The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra

Jeffrey Lynne, angleški tekstopisec, skladatelj, aranžer, pevec, multiinstrumentalist in glasbeni producent, * 30. december 1947, Shard End, Birmingham, Združeno kraljestvo. The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra je kompilacijski album skupine Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), ki je izšel leta 1994.

Podobnosti med Jeff Lynne in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra

Jeff Lynne in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra še 10 stvari v skupni (v Unijapedija): A New World Record, Discovery (album, ELO), Electric Light Orchestra, ELO 2, Face the Music, On the Third Day, Out of the Blue, Rock, Time (album, ELO), Xanadu (soundtrack).

A New World Record

A New World Record je šesti studijski album skupine Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), ki je izšel leta 1976.

A New World Record in Jeff Lynne · A New World Record in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »

Discovery (album, ELO)

Discovery je osmi studijski album angleške skupine Electric Light Orchestra (ELO).

Discovery (album, ELO) in Jeff Lynne · Discovery (album, ELO) in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »

Electric Light Orchestra

Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) je angleška rock skupina, ki so jo leta 1970 v Birminghamu ustanovili multiinstrumentalista Jeff Lynne in Roy Wood ter bobnar Bev Bevan.

Electric Light Orchestra in Jeff Lynne · Electric Light Orchestra in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »


ELO 2 je drugi album angleške rock skupine The Electric Light Orchestra, ki je izšel leta 1973.

ELO 2 in Jeff Lynne · ELO 2 in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »

Face the Music

Face the Music je peti studijski album skupine Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), ki je izšel leta 1975 in ga je posnela drugačna zasedba od predhodnega albuma Eldorado.

Face the Music in Jeff Lynne · Face the Music in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »

On the Third Day

On the Third Day je tretji studijski album skupine Electric Light Orchestra in prvi album skupine, ki je bil posnet brez Royja Wooda.

Jeff Lynne in On the Third Day · On the Third Day in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »

Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue je sedmi studijski album skupine Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), ki je izšel oktobra 1977.

Jeff Lynne in Out of the Blue · Out of the Blue in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »


Rock ali rók (izvirno oziroma rock 'n' roll) je razširjena glasbena zvrst v popularni glasbi, običajno uporablja vokal, (električne) kitare in močno poudarjen ritem.

Jeff Lynne in Rock · Rock in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra · Poglej več »

Time (album, ELO)

Time je deveti studijski album angleške rock skupine Electric Light Orchestra (ELO).

Jeff Lynne in Time (album, ELO) · The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra in Time (album, ELO) · Poglej več »

Xanadu (soundtrack)

Xanadu je soundtrack istoimenskega filma iz 1980, ki so ga posneli Olivia Newton-John in skupina Electric Light Orchestra (ELO).

Jeff Lynne in Xanadu (soundtrack) · The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra in Xanadu (soundtrack) · Poglej več »

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Primerjava med Jeff Lynne in The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra

Jeff Lynne 107 odnose, medtem ko je The Very Best of the Electric Light Orchestra 19. Saj imajo skupno 10, indeks Jaccard je 7.94% = 10 / (107 + 19).


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