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Vse strani - HMS Devastation

Vse strani · Prejšnji (HMCS Charlottetown) · Naslednji (HMS Spartan)
HMS Devastation HMS Devonshire HMS Dido
HMS Discovery HMS Dittany (K279) HMS Dorsetshire
HMS Dreadnought HMS Dryad HMS Dumbarton Castle
HMS Duncan HMS Dunkirk HMS Eagle
HMS Echo HMS Edgar HMS Edinburgh
HMS Elephant HMS Endeavour HMS Endurance
HMS Endymion HMS Engadine HMS Enterprise
HMS Erebus HMS Eskimo HMS Essex
HMS Ettrick (K216) HMS Euryalus HMS Exeter
HMS Flamingo HMS Flax (K284) HMS Fleetwood
HMS Fleur de Lys (K122) HMS Formidable HMS Fox
HMS Freesia (K43) HMS Fritillary (K199) HMS Frolic
HMS Furious HMS Galatea HMS Ganges
HMS Gardenia (K99) HMS Garland HMS Genista (K200)
HMS Gentian (K90) HMS Geranium (K16) HMS Gibraltar
HMS Gladiolus (K34) HMS Glasgow HMS Glatton
HMS Gloriosa (K201) HMS Glory HMS Gloucester
HMS Gloxinia (K22) HMS Godetia (K226) HMS Godetia (K72)
HMS Good Hope HMS Grafton HMS Grafton (F 80)
HMS Grafton (F-80) HMS Grafton (F80) HMS Grampus
HMS Grasshopper HMS Greyhound HMS Gurkha
HMS Halcyon HMS Hampshire HMS Hardy
HMS Harebell (K202) HMS Havock HMS Heartsease (K15)
HMS Heather (K69) HMS Hebe HMS Hecla
HMS Heliotrope (K03) HMS Hepatica (K159) HMS Herald
HMS Hercules HMS Hermes HMS Hero
HMS Hibernia HMS Hibiscus HMS Hibiscus (K24)
HMS Hollyhock (K64) HMS Honesty (K285) HMS Honeysuckle (K27)
HMS Hood HMS Hood (51) HMS Hornet
HMS Hotspur HMS Howe HMS Hunter
HMS Hussar HMS Hyacinth HMS Hyacinth (K84)
HMS Hyderabad (K212) HMS Hydrangea (K39) HMS Icarus
HMS Illustrious (R87) HMS Imperieuse HMS Implacable
HMS Inconstant HMS Indefatigable HMS Indomitable
HMS Inflexible HMS Intrepid HMS Invincible
HMS Iron Duke HMS Irresistible HMS Isis
HMS Ivy (K204) HMS Jaguar HMS Jasmine (K23)
HMS Java HMS Jonquil (K68) HMS Juno
HMS Jupiter HMS Kangaroo HMS Kent
HMS Kent (F 78) HMS Kent (F-78) HMS Kent (F78)
HMS King George V HMS Kingcup (K33) HMS Kingston
HMS La Malouine (K46) HMS Ladybird HMS Larkspur (K82)
HMS Lavender (K60) HMS Leander HMS Leda
HMS Leeds Castle HMS Legion HMS Leopard
HMS Leviathan HMS Liberty HMS Lightening
HMS Linaria (K282) HMS Lincoln HMS Ling (K205)
HMS Liverpool HMS Lobelia (K05) HMS London
HMS Londonderry HMS Lookout HMS Loosestrife (K105)
HMS Lotus (K130) HMS Lotus (K93) HMS Lydiard
HMS Lysander HMS Magnificent HMS Magpie
HMS Majestic HMS Mallow HMS Mallow (K 81)
HMS Mallow (K-81) HMS Mallow (K81) HMS Manchester
HMS Mandrake (K287) HMS Marguerite (K54) HMS Marigold
HMS Marigold (K87) HMS Marjoram (K206) HMS Marlborough
HMS Mary Rose HMS Mayflower (K191) HMS Meadowsweet (K144)
HMS Medea HMS Medway HMS Mersey
HMS Middleton HMS Mignonette (K38) HMS Milfoil (K288)
HMS Mimosa (K11) HMS Minerva HMS Minos
HMS Minotaur HMS Mohawk HMS Monarch
HMS Monkshood (K207) HMS Monmouth HMS Montbretia (K208)
HMS Musk (K289) HMS Myosotis (K65) HMS Myrmidon
HMS Naiad HMS Nairana HMS Napier
HMS Narcissus HMS Narcissus (K74) HMS Nasturtium (K107)
HMS Nelson HMS Nepeta (K290) HMS Neptune
HMS Nettle (K212) HMS New Zealand HMS Newcastle
HMS Nigella (K19) HMS Niger HMS Nonsuch
HMS Norfolk HMS Northumberland (F 238) HMS Northumberland (F-238)
HMS Northumberland (F238) HMS Nottingham HMS Nubian
HMS Obedient HMS Oberon HMS Ocean
HMS Odin HMS Orchis (K76) HMS Orestes
HMS Orion HMS Oxlip (K123) HMS Pandora
HMS Pathfinder HMS Penelope HMS Pennywort (K111)
HMS Pentstemon (K61) HMS Penzance HMS Peony (K40)
HMS Periwinkle (K55) HMS Petunia (K79) HMS Phaeton
HMS Phlox (K130) HMS Phoenix HMS Picotee (K63)
HMS Pimpernel (K71) HMS Pink (K137) HMS Pioneer
HMS Polyanthus (K47) HMS Polyphemus HMS Poppy (K213)
HMS Portland HMS Portland (F 79) HMS Portland (F-79)
HMS Portland (F79) HMS Potentilla (K214) HMS Powerful
HMS Primrose (K91) HMS Primula (K14) HMS Prince George
HMS Prince of Wales HMS Prince of Wales (1939) HMS Princess Royal
HMS Privet (K291) HMS Quail HMS Queen
HMS Queen Elizabeth HMS Quorn HMS Ramillies
HMS Ranonculus (K117) HMS Reading (G71) HMS Renown
HMS Repulse HMS Repulse (1916) HMS Resolution
HMS Revenge HMS Rhododendron (K78) HMS Richmond
HMS Richmond (F 239) HMS Richmond (F-239) HMS Richmond (F239)
HMS Ripley (G79) HMS Rockrose (K51) HMS Rodney
HMS Rose HMS Rose (K102) HMS Rosebay (K286)
HMS Royal Oak (08) HMS Royal Sovereign HMS Royalist
HMS Salmon HMS Salvia (K97) HMS Samphire (K128)
HMS Saxifrage (K04) HMS Sceptre HMS Scorpion
HMS Scylla HMS Sealion HMS Serapis
HMS Severn HMS Shah HMS Shannon
HMS Shark HMS Sheffield HMS Shoreham
HMS Sidon HMS Sidon (1944) HMS Sirius
HMS Smilax (K280) HMS Snapdragon (K10) HMS Snowberry (K166)
HMS Snowdrop (K67) HMS Snowflake (K211) HMS Somerset
HMS Somerset (F 82) HMS Somerset (F-82) HMS Somerset (F82)
HMS Southampton HMS Spanker HMS Sparrowhawk